The Angel TEam

Angel TEam from WV

Angel TEam recently launched
"The Shine Campaign"
Bags of Hope

The definition of Angel is this: God's messenger. Pretty simple, huh?!  Well this is how the entire concept of the Angel TEam began. With the simple thought that all women are God's messengers and placed here on planet earth to spread the light of Jesus.

IMAGINE if we could motivate and encourage a mobile community of women to make a positive, lasting difference in the lives of others.

  • The Angel TEam is for EVERY woman
  • The Angel TEam is about telling people that there is a God in heaven that loves them
  • The Angel TEam is about making a difference in the local community
  • The Angel TEam is about seeing a need and acting for the sake of humanity
  • The Angel TEam is about having YOU help to carry this message!


At Ladies NIght 2 in November 2010, we launched The Shine Campaign and created a simple way for women to be angels in the community.  Centered around Bags of Hope, angels from all across the region put their ideas into action and used 500 Bags of Hope to take the message of hope and love into their neighborhoods.

With gift cards, money, food, clothes, toys, restaurant certificates, these angels ignited their passion and reached to communities of people in need.  The Angel TEam has been active in helping with a family who lost their home to a fire, a private school where students received bags filled with juice boxes, a set of sisters whose father recently passed away, and many other anonymous gifts of thanks.

Yes, but how do I start?
Get together with some of your girlfriends and choose a project to get involved in as a group… bathe your community in prayer and find the local needs of that area, host a baby shower for young moms, fundraise for a women's shelter, pray over the lives of the youth in your local schools, gather snacks for children who won't eat after school …
Moms groups – choose to be angels and pray and connect with single moms who have no support network…collect baby clothes and donate them to someone that has nothing...a new family that has just moved in down the road…encourage one another to see needs then act on them!  Marrieds – mentor the couple who are newlyweds...befriend the wife who is struggling relationally with her husband.
The ideas and choices are limitless. . .it is just about being an angel and taking God's message into your world..!
WE were designed for purpose and strategically planned for THIS period of time to help with God's plan to draw people to Him with the love of Christ!  And that is our purpose!

All it takes from you is a choice to be an carry this message into your neighborhood. Together we can shine bright and positively impact our communities and the world!