Monday, March 14

2 Ways to Have Power Over Your Guilt

Secrets, shame and guilt...words that can easily take us to a place that implies darkness and sadness...and unfortunately a familiar place where many of us are living today. Last night at Happy Hour, we heard a message from Tim about our secrets, shame and guilt and how the enemy would love to keep us dwelling on anything negative from our past.

Many of you may be dealing everyday with painful decisions and hurts...things such as divorce, abortion, abuse, addiction, betrayal...and you just cannot seem to forget them and move on. It's too painful. It's not fair. It was a bad decision. It's not easy to stop. I want you to know this today...God does not want you to live in this place anymore. His desire is for you to live in the freedom and joy that is experienced through letting go...even if you have not tried before to rid yourself of the pain of the past, you can start today. 

Empower yourself to move on by...
1) Confessing to God for forgiveness/to forgive. God will forgive you, and God will ultimately help you to forgive someone else. Talking to God about your shame and guilt will enable you to begin the process of letting go.  Admit to Him that you are still struggling. Share the pain you are feeling. Ask Him to help you begin this process. Recognize that He is the author of forgiveness and your source of strength.   
2) Confessing to people for healing.  Talking to someone that you trust will help you to heal emotionally. God's word tells us that when we confess our faults to one another we will be healed.  Yes, healed! So take the time to lean on and entrust your struggle to a friend in Christ who can pray for you along the healing journey.

Your Chance to Share: What has helped YOU to be empowered over secrets, shame and guilt?


  1. I decided to hand everything over to God. I have admitted my struggles to him and asked for forgiveness. I am going to do that everyday from this moment on until I feel like it sinks in. I'm trying to let God be in control!
