Tuesday, February 8


Okay, so you don't have time to read...I get it; I really do.  Our lives are crazy busy, and we are lucky to get a brush through the hair some mornings...But what about right now?  You're already on the internet cruising through Facebook, websites, and this blog!
Pleeeaaase, please just take one minute and drive by this site and join me in learning through scripture how to "love" people like God.  This is such an easy way to spend some time in God's word...I just started doing this myself!

So if you are finding that time is limited in your world, then you might want to try using the internet as your source as well.  This can be the start of something new for you!! So take a cruise by Youversion.com and begin to develop a deeper knowledge of God's love and how you can be the expression of His love here on earth...come on...let's do this thing together!

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