Wednesday, January 12

Week #2:..Half-Empty or Half-Full?

The glass.  There it is.  Sitting on the table.  How would you describe it?  Half-empty or half-full?  Come on and be honest!  The answer you give to this question is neither right nor wrong. . .the answer you give is based purely upon your own perception.  How YOU see the glass and its contents or lack of them. . .and honestly, either answer is correct, but may be (not always) some indication of how we look at life.
For several years I have been teaching my daughters (while learning myself) this very basic concept of seeing circumstances in life through "half-full"
eyes.  Our tendency many times is to look at a situation and focus on the negative.  It's so easy to do...uggh!  And if you're anything like me, you let your mind "go there" and conjure up things that don't even exist.  WE NEED TO STOP THAT!!  In order to begin to live positively on purpose it is essential that we begin to see things through a different lense which identifies something favorable no matter what we are going through.

Get ready. . .we've got a great year ahead of us (see how that works)!!!

Weekly Plan on Purpose:
Make a decision to see the glass half-full.

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